If you couldn't tell by now, we are all about the 'Hangin' Out' life here at johnnie-O. What's 'Hangin' Out' all about you might ask? Well glad that you did because without further adieu; here is the complete guide to our latest collection:


This is a LIFESTYLE, nay, a movement! These are for the guys that say "nah, I'm good, gonna stay comfortable and sharp looking today. Thanks." It means just getting together with friends and getting to be yourself, or at least your best version of yourself. Then you can take that fun person back into the workplace with you, it's infectious! Watch out!


Heck we are all about time tested tradition over here but when something doesn't serve it's purpose anymore it's time to DUCK THE TUCK! That's John's way of saying, "throw convention out the window!" (Also his way of saying you don't have to tuck your shirt in anymore). With the perfect length and cut, it doesn't look like you tied a parachute around your waist anymore just because you want to let your shirt hang out.


So let's get down to it. 100% cotton no filler. Button down collar to set off the casual look. Just the right amount of tapering to reflect the modern build. That dialed in length for Hangin' Out and not looking awkward, and a lower sitting bottom button that will reduce the dreaded trumpet flair.

And that is about it. It's really not rocket science! Just a real simple shirt for great people to have classic times in. Without adding anything new and annoying, we left everything that works and took out everything that doesn't so you can live your best life, with style and class!

When you are rocking your shirt untucked you always want to make sure you have a lower sitting bottom to reduce that funky flair. Picking a shirt that fits properly is the right way to start. johnnie-O's Hangin' Out shirts are perfect for that casual, yet classy look.

“We offer you the opportunity to 'duck the tuck!' Our samegreat sport shirts are now available in a tweaked length and cut thattruly epitomize the Southern California vibe.”- John O’Donnell, johnnie-O Founder