It’s almost Thanksgiving, and we know what that means… yes, turkey, football, and some knockdown, drag-out family feuds! I have come up with my Top 10 List of how to avoid a family feud this Thanksgiving.

10. Tell Mom that her mashed potatoes are perfect, even though they’re as lumpy as the fairways of St. Andrew’s.

9. Keep any and all political banter to yourself. Better yet, have everybody agree that Tom Turkey is their favorite candidate.

8. Don’t rig the Secret Santa game where the rich brother gets you, again.

7. Laying out your brother-in-law with a flagrant clip in the annual Turkey Bowl is not a good idea.

6. It’s nobody’s fault but your own if you elect to go to the mall on Black Friday. So keep the bickering to yourself.

5. Do not pass judgment on your mother-in-law if she happens to be one of those people who snorts when she laughs.

4. Nobody likes a boozed-up, blubbering idiot that suddenly has all the answers to everything.

3. If your college daughter’s new boyfriend happens to show up in acid-washed jeans, don’t pass judgment.

2. If your college daughter’s new boyfriend happens to show up in acid-washed jeans and a perm, then it’s time to take action.

And the Number One way to avoid a family feud this Thanksgiving is… always, always serve yourself a portion of the cranberry salad, even if you don’t intend to eat it.

My thanks to all of you.