Happy Halloween (almost) and with October comes thoughts of ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and witches, but no matter how old you get, the clichéd imagery delicately fades in the anticipation of a more potent memory: gratuitous door-to-door goodies (Trick-or-Treating)!

As you slowly graduated from the parental hand-holding on your block to a more expansive crawl with friends, trick-or-treating became a little less tradition, and a bit more hustle. Little by little, you learned which homes to hit. You had a mental map and a mission. No more plastic pumpkin bowls, as any trick-or-treater worth his/her salt demanded a little more substance in the form of pillow case for the night's inevitably hefty haul. Do you remember what it was like rolling up on that home offering BIG CANDY? We lived for the "big candy" homes, but it didn't need to be big to be impactful. Some candies, simply put, are better than others. For example: literally ANYTHING is better than black licorice. Here's a thought: Maybe 'bad candy' is the 'Trick' in Trick-or-Treat, in which case doling out unsavory sweets to the hopeful youngsters is actually quite funny.

The good 'ol days — and while we can't fill your physical bag with candy, perhaps let us fill your mind with the nostalgia of some of John's most covetable candies as we relive the time-honored tradition of Halloween 🎃


-Abba Zaba
-Bottle Caps
-Marathon Bar (RETIRED ☹)
-Tart N Tinys
-Fun Dip
-Wacky Wafers
-Now N Laters
-Chewy Sweet Tarts
-BB Bats
-Bubble Yum
-Blow Pops
-Candy Necklace
-Laffy Taffy


-Candy Corn
-Circus Peanuts
-Necco Wafers
-Black Licorice
-Almond Joy