I’d like to give you a warm welcome to Blue Room. This is where all the fun happens. Think of it like the Green Room in show business, where actors hang out when they’re not performing or before going out on stage. It’s a view behind-the-scenes, where true personalities come out, tequila shots are taken and ridiculous stories are told. johnnie-O Blue Room will give you an inside look into our world of West Coast Prep.
Why the Blue Room? Because that’s the name of my guest room. Dubbed first by my good friend Sully, the room became an unofficial bed-and-breakfast to any of our group of friends who needed it. The room, which has navy blue carpet, is equipped with only the necessities – a bed, a nightstand and a private bathroom. In the bathroom, hangs the famous white and black photo of Ben Hogan hitting his 1-iron onto the 18th green at Merion Golf Club in 1950. In the bedroom, there’s a photo of the world champion Chicago Bulls celebrating one of their many NBA titles. And that’s pretty much it. But it’s not the room itself that has meaning, it’s the people who have visited and the memories that have been made.
I first moved to Brentwood, Calif. nearly two decades ago. Since then, countless friends from all walks of life – grade school, high school and college – PGA tour players, international icons, nieces and nephews, have all stayed in my Blue Room. Buddies who had business in Los Angeles or just wanted to get away for awhile would call me up and ask, “Is Blue Room available?” And sometimes it wasn’t!
When I first moved into my home, the place was bare. Even when I filled it with furniture, it didn’t have my imprint right away. The same happened with johnnie-O. Over time, both my home and my business started to develop history and memories. They started to become more and more like me, embodying my values and persona.
Blue Room reminds me so much of johnnie-O and our headquarters. We have an open door policy welcoming all kinds of people, just like I do at home. We are open to new experiences and have drive to make an impact on people’s lives. We have great friends and beautiful families. We have cool stories to tell, and we want you to be a part of them.
Blue Room is officially open. So grab your bags and come visit the place where all the fun happens. Whether it’s interviews with awesome friends who have helped shape our business, news about our great partnerships, thoughtful perspectives on cultural trends, or must-know style how-tos, we want to share the best of our world with you.
Thanks in advance for “checking in,” and come visit again soon.